Certified Somatic Experiencing Professional (SEP)

Certified Instinctive Mediation Teacher Radiance Sutras

San Diego Equality Business Association Member

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing Therapy

Healing from trauma, emotional wounds, and other stress disorders can feel impossible. Where do you start? What do you do? How can you get past it? Often, you do not even know what is happening to you – only that you feel anxious, overwhelmed, depressed, debilitated, insecure, scared, and hopeless.

Overcoming stuck emotions and sensations can lead to finding peace and happiness. Emotions are not stuck in your head but in your body. So we must go there to help! Your body already knows how to process trauma and regain balance. Your body also knows precisely what it needs to attain better health. You do not tell your cut to heal; the body does that for you. It can do this with our emotions as well. Learning to listen to your body helps you attain coherency through mind, body, and spirit. This is called Somatic Experiencing, and it is my approach to helping you find yourself again.

You Are Welcome Here

It is my goal to provide you with a place to feel safe. Very little can be done in an environment that does not embrace you openly and without judgment. Let this place be a sanctuary for slowing down from the chaos outside. This is a place to attain emotional and spiritual health, balance, and come into contact with your “humanness.”  It is not so much about our doing but about our being. 

Belanger Therapy Somatic Experiencing Therapy San Diego California
Therapist Eva Belanger San Diego, California, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

About Me

I specialize in helping you find a place of peace within yourself and to recognize that your environment is a strong resource for your nervous system. I remember a time when I had little balance and felt thrown around by my own traumatic circumstances. I worked through my own Somatic Experiencing therapy to regain nervous system health. I am passionate about my work and the resources every one of us has to attain mental health naturally.  

I help individuals and couples in the San Diego area who struggle with PTSD, PTS, grief, depression, relationship conflict, and anxiety. Awareness and acceptance of where you are currently will be the road you travel to reach where you desire to be.

Schedule A Free Initial Consultation 

I offer free 20-minute consultations for new clients. Please note that after your initial consultation, I only schedule appointments on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. At this time, I do not accept insurance.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Fill out the form below, and I will be in touch shortly.

Contact Information
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