Hawk Life, My Life

By Eva M. Belanger, LMFT, SEP We are human beings so it may be challenging to imagine your life as a hawk, but let’s try. Through our imagination we can envision what it may be like to sweep over grasslands in flight, just skimming the surface of the grass popping out of the water. We […]
PTSD-Where there is Red there is Blue

People say that there are two sides to everything. There is one person’s perspective and experience, which is often very different from the next person’s. Instead of seeing our worlds as black or white, could we take a chance to venture into the realm of believing that our story is not always the “right” story. […]
Coming Together to Heal, and Not Re-Traumatize

One of the most difficult groups to get together is a group of those suffering from PTSD. There is a tendency to want to share what we have in common, to retell stories of trauma, and to legitimize, speak words to the horror in some way in hopes that it heals us. It may look […]